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Magnetotellurics: Practical Survey Design and Model Assessment

Event Type

Event Date

Monday, May 6, 2024

Event Location

Event Address

In.Studio, 268 Pirie St, Adelaide

Event Start


Event End


Event Details

Workshop Overview:
Gain an understanding of the magnetotelluric (MT) method, including survey design, model resolution, and the pros and cons of different modelling approaches. Learn how to identify and assess key indicators of data and model quality. The workshop is structured around a synthetic MT dataset over a hypothetical porphyry deposit. By interactively working through the data, participants will see the impact of different choices they make about survey design, station spacing and 1D, 2D or 3D modelling on the final results.
Participants will leave the workshop equipped to understand the strengths and limitations of their MT models and to interact more knowledgeably with MT contractors and consultants.

Who should attend:
The workshop is designed for anyone who commissions or works with MT data and models in the exploration workflow, including:

  • Geophysicists who work with MT data and models but may not produce the models themselves
  • Geologists or other geoscientists who use MT models in their exploration strategy

No existing expertise in MT, mathematics or geophysics is required, but a willingness to work through geophysical data and concepts is assumed. The workshop is interactive and participants will analyse provided data but no special software is needed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Conceptually understand the MT method, including how different Earth structures affect MT data
  • Learn key QA/QC criteria to assess MT data and models
  • Observe the impact of dimensionality and strike on MT model reliability
  • Compare resolution of features in 1D probabilistic models, 2D models and 3D models and with different survey designs.

Workshop Facilitator:
The workshop is presented by Dr Kate Selway of Vox Geophysics. Kate is internationally recognised as an expert in MT and spent more than 15 years working in university research and teaching positions, including at the University of Adelaide, Yale, Columbia University, the University of Oslo and Macquarie University. She has modelled and published on MT data she has collected from Australia, East Africa, North America, Greenland and Antarctica. In 2022, Kate founded Vox Geophysics with a goal of helping mineral explorers to maximise the value gained from their MT data.

Date and Time: Monday May 6th, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: In.Studio, 268 Pirie St, Adelaide
Cost: $950 or $850 for ASEG members, GST inclusive.
Numbers limited to 16 people.