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ASEG NSW - Joint ASEG (NSW) & SMEDG Technical Talk + Lindsay Ingall Memorial Award

Event Type

Event Date

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Event Location

Event Address

Level 2, Club York (99 York St. Sydney. Room: ‘ANZAC’) + Zoom

Event Start

1730 for 1800 start AES

Event End

2000 AES

Event Details

Title: NextGen Geoscience Professionals: What is important for their career development

Presenter: A team of young geoscientists from Fender Geophysics.

Date and Time: May 23, 2024 at 1800 AES

Location: Level 2, Club York (99 York St. Sydney. Room: ‘ANZAC’) + Zoom




NextGen Geoscience Professionals: What is important for their career development

Educating the next generation of geoscientists is a constant discussion in many forums around Australia. However, formal education as part of a degree program is only a partial aspect of career development. Education generally happens under an instructor's guidance and may involve both theory and practice often within a school or university. Whereas training is usually more focused on practical skills and can be provided either in an educational setting or on the job. Mentoring also provides a significant role in career development and is also seen as crucial for bridging generational differences in the workplace.

This talk is going to focus on the importance of community, mentorship, and career development. Or more specifically, the importance of mentorship and how that builds a strong sense of community. To support this vision, we will have some early career geoscience professionals from a range of backgrounds provide insights into why they started careers in the industry and give their feedback on the community as it is now, how they would like to see it in the future, and some of their thoughts on how to reach that goal.

As a special highlight of the evening, we will be presenting the Lindsay Ingall Memorial Award to the family of the late Bob White in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of exploration geophysics.