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SEG workshop: Geophysics in Geothermal Energy – Today and Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Geophysics in Geothermal Energy – Today and Tomorrow

12–14 October 2021 | Virtual Workshop


ASEG is pleased to announce its collaboration with SEG for the highly anticipated Geophysics in Geothermal Energy – Today and Tomorrow workshop is up on our website. Be a part of this highly-anticipated virtual event that will be taking place from 12–14 October. This provides us the opportunity to provide all ASEG Members to ATTEND virtually with an interactive an immersive experience and the ability to connect with like-minded individuals from across the globe.


ASEG members receive a special discounted price of $US320. In order to benefit from the above rates, they should contact Suba Jaganathan on


Our technical committee has created a special workshop that branches out into specific topics that run parallel to each other, thus attendees can curate and choose the session they would like to view. A recording will also be available within 24 hours for attendees to re-watch any session they have missed, thus providing an enriching and wholesome experience throughout the workshop. We encourage anyone involved in geoscience or geothermal resource exploration to join in on this informative conversation: seismic processers, petrophysicists, rock physicists, geologists, geophysicists, geomechanicists and reservoir engineers.


To view the entire technical programme, please visit our website where you can download it, or watch the video for what you can look forward to during the workshop:


SEG workshop: Geophysics in Geothermal Energy – Today and Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Geophysics in Geothermal Energy – Today and Tomorrow

12–14 October 2021 | Virtual Workshop


ASEG is pleased to announce its collaboration with SEG for the highly anticipated Geophysics in Geothermal Energy – Today and Tomorrow workshop is up on our website. Be a part of this highly-anticipated virtual event that will be taking place from 12–14 October. This provides us the opportunity to provide all ASEG Members to ATTEND virtually with an interactive an immersive experience and the ability to connect with like-minded individuals from across the globe.


ASEG members receive a special discounted price of $US320. In order to benefit from the above rates, they should contact Suba Jaganathan on


Our technical committee has created a special workshop that branches out into specific topics that run parallel to each other, thus attendees can curate and choose the session they would like to view. A recording will also be available within 24 hours for attendees to re-watch any session they have missed, thus providing an enriching and wholesome experience throughout the workshop. We encourage anyone involved in geoscience or geothermal resource exploration to join in on this informative conversation: seismic processers, petrophysicists, rock physicists, geologists, geophysicists, geomechanicists and reservoir engineers.


To view the entire technical programme, please visit our website where you can download it, or watch the video for what you can look forward to during the workshop:


QLD Tech Talk - Randall Taylor - Taylor Exploration Consulting, Principal Consultant. The OZ Min Explorer Challenge 2019: When petroleum explorers go searching for minerals

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

ASEG Queensland Branch October Technical Talk

Presenter: Randall Taylor - Taylor Exploration Consulting, Principal Consultant.

Title: The OZ Min Explorer Challenge 2019: When petroleum explorers go searching for minerals.

In-person Registration:

Online registration:


In 2019 OZ Minerals released more than 2TB of company data challenging teams from around the world to compete for $1M in prize money by predicting mineralisation locations in the Mount Woods area of the Gawler Craton. The area is best known for the Iron-Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) Prominent Hill deposit. Three former colleagues, Randall Taylor, Karen Aurisch and Bronwyn Davies with many years of combined petroleum exploration experience, but relatively little direct experience of mineral exploration, joined forces to analyse the data and submit an entry. This talk will present their methodology and results and compare it to the brief public disclosure of the winning entry.

Also on Thursday the 14th of October there is a combined Industry, Society, Early Career and Student Networking function held at the Fox Hotel. The flyer with specific details is below and registration is through the AIG website

QLD Branch talk - Beyond plates - fast TEM inversion using conductive ellipsoids.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

UPDATE: This event is now fully virtual, with no in-person event. Register here.

When: Tuesday 16 November 2021

Time: 18.00 – 19.00

Where: Virtual (zoom)

Details: The event is free for members. Please register through Zoom.

Registration (zoom): Here


ASEG Queensland Branch August Technical Talk

Peter Fullagar - Fullagar Geophysics Pty Ltd.

Beyond plates - fast TEM inversion using conductive ellipsoids Part2: Inversion


Interpreting TEM data in terms of conductive rectangular plates is effective in many situations. However, not all conductors are planar. Triaxial ellipsoid conductors are an attractive alternative: geometrically simple (corner-free), mathematically tractable at early and late time limits, and able to encompass shapes ranging from plates to elongate lenses to equi-dimensional pods. Accordingly a fast magnetostatics-based algorithm has been developed to compute ellipsoidal conductor responses in both resistive and inductive limits. Inversion of measured data then entails adjustment of ellipsoid parameters. The methodology is suitable for downhole, ground, or airborne TEM, either impulse or step response.
In this second of two presentations, the inversion algorithm is described and illustrated on both synthetic and real TEM data. 


Peter Fullagar has over 30 years experience in base metal, precious metal, and petroleum exploration, and in metalliferous and coal mining geophysics. He worked for 12 years with WMC Exploration Division in Australia, including 3 years as Chief Geophysicist. He was the inaugural Chair of Borehole Geophysics at Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, in 1993-94, and served as team leader in 1995-96 for the CMTE/AMIRA P436 research project on Application of Geophysics to Mine Planning & Operations. Since 1998 Peter has consulted privately and has written modelling and inversion programs for EM, potential fields, and borehole logging data. He led the AMIRA P1022 research project on Rapid 3D Inversion of TEM Data from 2010-2013. Peter is an Adjunct Professor at the WH Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre, University of Queensland.


ASEG Queensland Branch AGM & April Technical Talk

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The AGM of the ASEG Queensland Branch will be held on Tuesday 27 April at the XXXX Brewery in Milton from 1715.

QLD ASEG members interested in joining the branch committee should email before Friday 23 April.

Nominations are open for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Representative and general committee.

For the technical talk, we’re pleased to welcome Peter Fullagar back to Brisbane. Peter will present the first of a two part talk on fast TEM inversion using conductive ellipsoids. More details on the talk can be found at the Eventbrite registration link.


Peter Fullagar - Fullagar Geophysics Pty Ltd

Beyond plates – fast TEM inversion using conductive ellipsoids

Part 1: Forward modelling


Interpreting TEM data in terms of conductive rectangular plates is effective in many situations. However, not all conductors are planar. Triaxial ellipsoid conductors are an attractive alternative: geometrically simple (corner-free), mathematically tractable at early and late time limits, and able to encompass shapes ranging from plates to elongate lenses to equi-dimensional pods. Accordingly a fast magnetostatics-based algorithm has been developed to compute ellipsoidal conductor responses in both resistive and inductive limits. Inversion of measured data then entails adjustment of ellipsoid parameters. The methodology is suitable for downhole, ground, or airborne TEM, either impulse or step response.


The event is free for members and $15 for non-members who are welcome to join prior to the meeting. Please register through Eventbrite here.


In this first of two presentations, the forward modelling algorithm is described and illustrated. 

ASEG Queensland 50th Anniversary Celebration and ASEG/PESA Trivia Night

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Dear QLD ASEG members!


As promised, welcome back to the first social event since lockdown.


You're invited to the ASEG/PESA Trivia night and celebration of 50 years of the ASEG! Details on the flyer below and Link to book through Eventbrite.

We hope to see as many members, students and friends as possible – don’t worry if you don’t have a trivia team; we can allocate people on the night.


So whether you are up for some grey matter stimulation, or just to catch up, come along!

We'll see you there.

AEGC 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

AEGC 2021

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Friday, September 17, 2021
