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Geoscience Australia’s newest Geomagnetic team member Garrick Paskos

Thursday, February 23, 2017

You are invited to listen to Geoscience Australia’s newest Geomagnetic team member Garrick Paskos give his end of 2016 graduate rotation summary.

The talk will be held at 3pm on the 23rd Feb 2017 in the Sir Harold Raggatt Theatre Geoscience Australia

Garrick will talk about his work predicting induced electric fields in Australia using Geoscience Australia’s Earth conductivity model and geomagnetic observatory data for infrastructure and community safety.

Recent advances in the electrical conductivity model of Australia from a 2.5-D thin-sheet to a 3-D model (Geoscience Australia - Wang et al., 2014), makes it possible to model the induced electric field distributions in a wider frequency range relevant to Geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) studies. The modelling provides insight into potential geomagnetic induction hazards across Australia due to oceans and inland conductivity structures from the surface to a depth of over 600 km.

Geoscience Australia operates a network of permanent geomagnetic observatories to continuously monitor magnetic field activity in the Australian region. In this proposal we would like to develop a method to derive the induced electric field in time domain using their frequency domain relationship.  

We hope to see you there.

ASEG ACT - Accelerating Australian CCS Demonstration Projects Through Focused Research & Development

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Date: Thursday, 23 February 2017
Time: Drinks and snacks from 4pm followed by the guest speaker presentation at 4:30pm.
Location: Sir Harold Raggatt Theatre, Geoscience Australia, Symonston, ACT

Title: Accelerating Australian CCS Demonstration Projects Through Focused Research & Development


Since its inception in 2010 ANLEC R&D has deployed a CCS research effort in excess of $100 million dollars. This partnership jointly funded by the Australian Government and Australian Coal Industry will continue. Currently it has completed 55 research projects and 29 current projects with 70 technology reports over both capture and storage research objectives. Early projects focused on cost reduction and adaptation of CO2 capture processes in Australian conditions with particular focus on the successful Callide Oxy-fuel Demonstration and the environmental implications of post-combustion solvent capture. The Australian research priority has now shifted to sub-surface CO2 storage in three Australian basins: Gippsland Basin, Perth Basin, and the Surat Basin.

This talk will focus on the imperative of emissions reduction, research management processes and examples of the subsurface research.


Kevin Dodds is the General Manager of ANLEC R&D. Prior to his current position Kevin had various research management positions, recently as Lead Geological Integrity and Monitoring BP Alternative Energy (Houston), monitoring manager CO2CRC  Otway and Geophysics research manager CSIRO Petroleum in Perth. He spent 20 years with Schlumberger as a Regional Geophysicist in the Middle East and  Europe and global borehole geophysics coordination at HQ Paris. Kevin is an active  member of the ASEG.


Monday, April 10, 2017

The 2017 AGM of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) will be held in Brisbane on the 10th April. The meeting will be hosted by the Queensland Branch at the XXXX brewery and alehouse. Address: Black St & Paten St, Milton QLD 4064

Drinks will be available from 6.00pm and the AGM will begin at 6.30pm.


The business of the Annual General Meeting will include:

  • To confirm the minutes of the last preceding general meeting;
  • To receive from the Federal Executive reports on the activities of the Society during the last preceding financial year;
  • To receive and consider the financial accounts and audit reports that are required to be submitted to members pursuant to the Constitution and to law;
  • To consider and if agreed approve any changes to the ASEG Constitution;
  • To report the ballot results for the election of the new office holders for the Federal Executive;
  • To confirm the appointment of auditors for 2017.


The AGM will be followed by a scientific presentation. The speaker and title will be advised closer to the event.



Invitation for candidates for the Federal Executive


Members of the Federal Executive serve in an honorary capacity. They are all volunteers and Members are encouraged to consider volunteering for a position on the Executive or on one of its committees. Current members are listed in Preview; please contact one of them if you wish to know more about volunteering for your society.


In accordance with Article 8.2 of the ASEG Constitution ‘…The elected members of the Federal Executive are designated as Directors of the Society for the purposes of the [Corporations] Act.’


The Federal Executive comprises up to 12 members, and includes the following four elected members:-

(i) a President,

(ii) a President Elect,

(iii) a Secretary, and

(iv) a Treasurer.


These officers are elected annually by a general ballot of members. Andrea Rutley was elected as President-Elect in 2016 and as such will stand for the position of President.


The following offices are also recognised:

(i) Vice President,

(ii) the Immediate Past President (unless otherwise a member of the Federal Executive),

(iii) the Chairman of the Publications Committee,

(iv) the Chairman of the Membership Committee,

(v) the Chairman of the State Branch Committees, and

(vi) Up to three others to be determined by the Federal Executive.


These officers are appointed by the Federal Executive from the volunteers wishing to serve the Society.


Nominations for all positions (except Past President) are very welcome. Please forward the name of the nominated candidate and the position nominating for, along with the names of two Members who are eligible to vote (as Proposers), to the Secretary:

Marina Costelloe

ASEG Secretary

Care of the ASEG Secretariat

PO Box 576

Crows Nest

NSW, 1585

Tel: (02) 9431 8622

Fax: (02) 9431 8677



Nominations must be received via post, fax or email no later than COB Tuesday 7th March 2017. Positions for which there are multiple nominations will then be determined by ballot of Members and results declared at the Annual General Meeting.


Proxy forms and further details of the meeting will be sent to Members prior to the meeting by email and made available to Members on the Society’s website.

6th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics (3DEM-6)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Contributions are invited for oral and poster presentations on theory, developments and applications of 3D EM forward and inverse modeling in Earth science and other areas. We especially request papers on new applications and case studies, both fully successful studies and those with lessons learned for future work. Developments in fast and accurate 3D and 4D modeling and inversion algorithms are welcome, as are new techniques for accessing uncertainty and resolution. We emphasize that this symposium is really a workshop and we strongly encourage presentations of work in progress. Ample time will be allocated for discussion at the end of each session. Posters will have receive equal attention with devoted poster-only sessions during the symposium.

Planned sessions:
1. Forward modeling
2. Inversion modeling
3. Uncertainty and resolution analysis
4. Model studies
5. Applications 

Abstracts must be submitted *.pdf's rather than as *.word or LaTeX files, and no editing/debugging will be provided by the organizing committee. 

December 17, 2016: Start of online registration and abstract submission
January 27, 2016: Deadline for submission of extended abstracts
February 17, 2017: Deadline for advanced registration

More details here.

MetPlant 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017
