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Is it time to rethink the Geoscience narrative to save our discipline - what can you do as an individual?

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

You are warmly invited to join us for a talk by Dr Pete Betts (Professor, School of Earth, Atmosphere, and Environment and Associate Dean of Graduate Research at Monash University) on Wednesday 15th June from 6pm at The Kelvin Club. Admission to this event is generously free for members.

Is it time to rethink the Geoscience narrative to save our discipline - what can you do as an individual?

Australian Geosciences, and particularly geophysics is undergoing some serious challenges as a consequence of the COVID pandemic. Several University departments and schools have downsized, merged, or have been obliterated. Other departments have been spared but have had to modify and compromised their curriculums. This University challenge will soon become an industry workforce challenge if it is not already. The pandemic, however, is not the cause of these challenges, it has been merely a catalyst for a problem that has existed for decades in the geosciences.

Teaching geosciences is not a break-even activity for a university, it is expensive to teach, and student numbers declined between 2013 and 2021. Geosciences should be an attractive subject for STEM students, after all, it is the study of our planet.

What has gone wrong? In Australia, there has been an assumption that student numbers are linked to the boom-bust cycle. This statement holds true for Western Australia but becomes increasingly decoupled in the east. Further, the decline of geosciences as a discipline to study is a global phenomenon with Europe, UK, and North America also having a similar decline in popularity.

What has gone wrong? There is no single factor that can fingerprint the challenge. It is a combination of the association between geology and mining, and the negative impact on the climate change and trust. We have been generally poor at effectively engaging with influential advocates for our discipline such as Mum and Dads, schoolteachers and careers advisors, and we are generally very transaction in the way we talk about our discipline. This presentation will look at some of these challenges and highlight some of the simple things that we can do as individuals to improve the image and celebrate our great disciplines more effectively.


Speaker bio: Pete Betts is a Professor in Structural Geophysics at the School of Earth, Atmosphere, and Environment at Monash University. He is also the Associate Dean of Graduate Research, where he is responsible for the Ph.D. and Research Masters portfolio in the Faculty of Science. Peter is a geoscientist that straddles the geology-geophysics boundary. He has more than 25 years of research experience and diverse research activities that include geophysical analysis of Proterozoic basin systems, Proterozoic tectonics, and geodynamic modelling and geophysical interpretation of modern tectonic settings. He is currently undertaking research in the Red Sea, North Australian Craton, and New Zealand, and focuses his research on the influence of structural inheritance, Triple Junction initiation, and the geodynamics of congested convergent plate margins. Pete is the current President of the Geological Society of Australia and was the inaugural 2018 GSA Ambassador where he did a virtual tour of the country focusing on the "Geosciences narrative" - this presentation is an updated version that considers the impacts of the pandemic.


Note: light refreshments will be served at this event.

Please register your interest in attending this event by using the link below:

NExUS - Geological Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data – a Practical Approach

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Geological Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data – a Practical Approach

2-Day Online Workshop, 1st – 2nd August 2022

(Limited to 30 places)


NExUS-Professional Development (NExUS-PD) is proud to be able to present this very highly regarded workshop online for the very first time.
• The specially designed two-day online workshop* will introduce the fundamentals of geological interpretation of aeromagnetic data.
• The workshop will feature lectures, practical activities and case studies all using integrated data sets.
• Each day will feature 3 x 2hr sessions with exercises to be completed between the sessions and time allocated for extended discussions.
• The format aims for open, transparent communication, with input from participants highly encouraged to share knowledge and experiences.
*This is a level-4 course (honours level) and is designed to be suitable for early career geoscientists, honours students and HDR students. The workshop is not assessed.


Day 1, Methodology of Aeromagnetic Interpretation – David Isles (1st Aug) :
• Sessions will include: Basic Principles, Physics and Concepts of Magnetics, Spatial Concepts, Survey Planning, Processing and Presentation of Data, Anomalies, RTP and Analytical Signal, Modelling and Inversion, Introduction to Golden Dyke Prospect Case Study
Day 2, Geological Interpretation and Structure – Leigh Rankin (2nd Aug) :
• Sessions will include: Golden Dyke Prospect Case Study, Magnetisation in Rocks, Charters Towers Case Study, Structures in Magnetics, Widgiemooltha Case Study, Unusual Magnetisation and Final Q+A session.

To Register, click here. 

Full Registration: $500

AIG and ASEG Members: $400

Students: $50

For further information view this flyer or, please contact:

NExUS - Geological Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data – a Practical Approach

Monday, August 1, 2022

Geological Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data – a Practical Approach

2-Day Online Workshop, 1st – 2nd August 2022

(Limited to 30 places)


NExUS-Professional Development (NExUS-PD) is proud to be able to present this very highly regarded workshop online for the very first time.
• The specially designed two-day online workshop* will introduce the fundamentals of geological interpretation of aeromagnetic data.
• The workshop will feature lectures, practical activities and case studies all using integrated data sets.
• Each day will feature 3 x 2hr sessions with exercises to be completed between the sessions and time allocated for extended discussions.
• The format aims for open, transparent communication, with input from participants highly encouraged to share knowledge and experiences.
*This is a level-4 course (honours level) and is designed to be suitable for early career geoscientists, honours students and HDR students. The workshop is not assessed.


Day 1, Methodology of Aeromagnetic Interpretation – David Isles (1st Aug) :
• Sessions will include: Basic Principles, Physics and Concepts of Magnetics, Spatial Concepts, Survey Planning, Processing and Presentation of Data, Anomalies, RTP and Analytical Signal, Modelling and Inversion, Introduction to Golden Dyke Prospect Case Study
Day 2, Geological Interpretation and Structure – Leigh Rankin (2nd Aug) :
• Sessions will include: Golden Dyke Prospect Case Study, Magnetisation in Rocks, Charters Towers Case Study, Structures in Magnetics, Widgiemooltha Case Study, Unusual Magnetisation and Final Q+A session.

To Register, click here. 

Full Registration: $500

AIG and ASEG Members: $400

Students: $50

For further information view this flyer or, please contact:

SA/NT AGM + Talk: Challenging land seismic surveys; from design to implementation to imaging

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Title: Challenging land seismic surveys, from design to implementation to imaging

Presenter: Dr Claudio Strobbia

Location: Thomas Cooper Room, Coopers Alehouse, 316 Pulteney St, Adelaide

Date: Wednesday 25th May

Time: 5:30 pm for a 6:15 pm start

Cost: Members & students free, non-members $10, includes finger food & drinks

SA/NT ASEG Branch Members interested in joining the SA/NT branch committee (President, Treasurer, Secretary, General Committee) please email Ben Kay before 25th May at

Volunteering for a professional society such as the ASEG can be a very rewarding activity with great personal and professional development, and a great opportunity to have impact and contribute to the society. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about joining the committee. The AGM will be held 10 minutes prior to Claudios talk. 


The challenges of land seismic are a result of the perturbations and of the noise, coherent and incoherent, related to the presence of a highly variable near-surface. The first tens to hundreds of meters not only present a phenomenal variability of geophysical properties, distorting the wavefield, but also host a variety of wave types, which with their scattering can obscure the true reflections from deeper targets. Furthermore, the access and logistical constraints can often prevent a regular sampling of the wavefield.

To solve these challenges and to get a clearer image of the targets, the nature of these phenomena and perturbations must be understood and anticipated. Improvements in signal and noise characterisation can describe and simulate most of the coherent and incoherent noise to create realistic seismic gathers, allowing optimal decisions on the sampling, to define both the micro- and macro-geometry. The novel processing approaches allow leveraging data, for both high-density surveys and sparser, highly irregular geometries.

Claudio will present some novel and innovative approaches to these challenges and demonstrate it is possible to design 3D surveys that result in usable images whilst at the same time maintaining a clear vision to reduce the field effort, safety exposure, costs, and the environmental impact of our seismic operations. Claudio looks forward to a robust discussion with the audience during the Q&A and after the talk. 

Claudio is a research and operations geoscientist, with broad interests in exploration seismology, exploration geophysics and earthquake seismology. As a solution-oriented data geoscientist he enjoys exploring different fields and applications, with a preference for land seismology and challenging exploration data. As an entrepreneur, he is the CEO and Chief Research Scientist of Realtimeseismic (RTS) where his focus is on the development and application of technology and innovation in the geosciences.

Prior to RTS, Claudio was the global land processing specialist and seismic processing supervisor with TotalEnergies (Total) in Pau, France. Before joining Total, he was a senior research geophysicist with Schlumberger, stationed in both Cairo, Egypt, and London, UK. He has worked as a researcher for the EUCENTRE in Pavia, Italy and has taught exploration seismology at the University of Milano-Bicocca. His primary interests are in wave physics, inverse problems, near-surface geophysics, and seismic processing. Within exploration seismology, his main contributions are in noise attenuation and near-surface characterization. Claudio has contributed to scientific and commercial advances in seismic acquisition, seismic data conditioning and data processing, near-surface geophysics, and surface waves and reviews for different scientific journals, enjoys developing training modules and content and teaching.


ASEG Queensland AGM and May technical talk

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

ASEG Queensland Branch May Technical Talk and AGM

Date and time: Wednesday 25th May 2022, 17.15 – 19.15

Presenter: Dr Adrian McCallum




Adrian McCallum has dabbled in geophysics for decades; as a sensor operator on Navy Seahawk helicopters or as a glaciologist measuring ice characteristics in the Arctic or Antarctica. In this brief discussion, he reflects on his diverse geophysical and geotechnical work till this time and introduces future opportunities to employ geophysics, across a diverse range of environments.

Special ASEG VIC Technical Meeting Night - 17 May 2022

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The annual Victorian Universities Earth and Environmental Sciences Conference (VUEESC) was recently held on the 21st and 22nd of April. As part of its education awareness promotion, ASEG Victoria kindly sponsored the Geophysics session of this conference via a one-off cash prize to the best student presenter as judged by a selection of their peers. Due to the quality of the presentations, I am pleased to announce prizes were awarded to the top two student presenters from the Geophysics session, both of whom will be presenting at the next technical meeting night.


You are warmly invited to come support Mr. Mohammed Alsaleh (MSc candidate, Monash University) and Mr Chibuzo Chukwu (PhD candidate, Monash University) as they present their award winning talks on Tuesday 17th May from 6pm at The Kelvin Club. Admission to this event is free for members, so please ensure you have renewed your membership for 2022 before registering.


Please find each student's abstract from the official VUEESC 2022 conference volume here and here.



Mr. Mohammed Alsaleh bio: Mohammed is a new earth sciences master's student at Monash University. He previously held a teaching position at the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia where he gained 4-years of teaching experience. During his BSc at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), he participated in research activities that include seismic up-hole methods and fracking impacts on groundwater aquifers. He also participated in translating the "Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics" by Robert E. Sheriff from English to Arabic. He is currently working on estimating the sand properties from up-hole seismic data. As he begins a new journey at Monash, he is shifting his research focus to the geomagnetism of suture zones in the Arabian Shield.

Mr. Chibuzo Chukwu bio: Chibuzo is a current PhD student at Monash University, a researcher with the Structural and Geophysics Group, and a 2021 ASEG Foundation Grant recipient. He has experience in geophysical surveys, processing and interpreting potential field, seismic and near-surface geophysical data for mineral exploration and tectonic studies.  Chibuzo's PhD research is focused on unravelling the influence of pre-existing structures in the evolution of triple junctions using a multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approach that includes a combination of structural geology, potential fields geophysics, seismic, well-logs, 2D & 3D modelling, machine learning and drone surveys.

Note: Light refreshments will be served during the evening.

Please register your interest in attending this event by using the following link:

ACT tech talk - Mis-adventures of a Mathematician in Industry

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Title: Mis-adventures of a Mathematician in Industry

Presenter: Audrey Addison

Date: Thursday, 5th May 2022

Time: 12:00 PM Canberra (AEST)



What does a scientist do?  That question was at the top of my mind as I was finishing up my PhD in Mathematics in 2014.  My plans of teaching at the college level were thwarted by the two body problem, so I turned my focus to industry instead.  What followed was a series of positions in three disparate industries: Oil and Gas, Industrial Engineering and Tech where I found that the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.  In this talk, I’ll share my personal experiences in industry and as a military officer, demonstrate how a mathematician or scientist might find a niche in industry and summarize some lessons learned. 


Audrey Addison has held varied responsibilities throughout her career and has a PhD in Mathematics. She was a Rescue Coordination Center Controller with the US 11th Air Force; Intelligence Officer, US 176th Wing; Research Geophysicist, Chevron, and a Numerical Analysis Software Engineer, Siemens. She currently works as a Software Engineer at Google.

QLD Tech Talk - Current Space and Satellite technology

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Title: Current Space and Satellite technology

Presenter: Mark Covington - Geoimage, Enterprise Solutions Manager.

Date: Tuesday 26th April 2022

Time: 17.15 – 19.00



Last century, Man set foot on the moon and shortly after, in 1972 the first satellite was launched with the express intent of monitoring our planet's landmasses. Over the following decades, technology advanced and the applications for using Earth Observation also grew. In 2022, Satellites no longer need to weigh the same as a sedan and cost a billion dollars to design, build and launch. With advances in technology leading to miniaturisation and the arrival of ride sharing launches, space is now accessible to almost anyone with passion, a good idea and a pitch to venture capitalists. In this presentation, I will take us on a brief history of satellite evolution and lead us into a discussion on using Short Wave Infrared and other wavelengths for mineral exploration. We will look at using tri-stereo optical imagery to generate more accurate DEMs, discuss how radar can be used to see geological structures and how the phase component of radio waves can be used to measure changes at the scale of mm, and how this method can be used for monitoring hydrocarbon basins and mine induced subsidence. Finally, I will offer a glimpse of the future, of some of the new satellite startup companies and how those technologies will change our view of the world.

ACT AGM + Tech Talk: Airborne Gravity and gravity gradiometry for a high resolution national gravity grid of Australia

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Title: ACT AGM + Tech Talk: Airborne Gravity and gravity gradiometry for a high resolution national gravity grid of Australia

Presenter: Dr Mark Dransfield – Airborne Gravity Consultant

Date: Thursday, 28th April (to be followed by the ACT ASEG AGM)

Time: 1500



In 2019, for the first time, the National Gravity Grid included gravity observations from ground gravity, airborne gravimetry and gradiometry, and satellite observations. This is a significant step towards my personal dream of a national gravity dataset sampled at a spacing similar to aeromagnetics' 400 m or better.

One of the many questions to be addressed for the next national gravity grid is the subject of this talk.

With data from such disparate sources, how do we best merge the data into one gravity map to preserve the spatial resolution, accuracy, and precision, and to provide a product of maximum value to the communities that will use it?

I will discuss some of the alternatives and attempt to summarise the advantages and disadvantages of each.


NSW Tech Night - The use of machine learning in processing remote sensing data for mineral exploration

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Title: The use of machine learning in processing remote sensing data for mineral exploration

Presenter: Dr. Ehsan Farahbakhsh

Date: Wednesday 20th April 2022

Time: 1800-1900



The decline of the number of newly discovered mineral deposits and increase in demand for critical minerals in recent years has led exploration geologists to look for more efficient and innovative methods for processing different data types at each stage of mineral exploration. As a primary step, various features, such as lithological units, alteration types, structures, and indicator minerals, are mapped to aid decision-making in targeting ore deposits. Different types of remote sensing datasets, such as satellite and airborne data, make it possible to overcome common problems associated with mapping geological features. The rapid increase in the volume of remote sensing data obtained from different platforms has encouraged scientists to develop advanced, innovative, and robust data processing methodologies. Machine learning methods can help process a wide range of remote sensing datasets and determine the relationship between components such as the reflectance continuum and features of interest. These methods are robust in processing spectral and ground truth measurements against noise and uncertainties. In this presentation, I will provide a brief introduction to remote sensing data types and review the implementation and adaptation of some popular and recently established machine learning methods for processing different types of remote sensing data aiming at detecting various ore deposit types. I will also review our recent studies on combining remote sensing data and machine learning methods for mapping different geological features that are critical for providing mineral potential maps.


Dr. Ehsan Farahbakhsh is a Research Associate in the EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney. He holds a PhD degree in Mining Engineering - Mineral Exploration from Tehran Polytechnic. He has been involved in several projects as an exploration geologist or spatial data analyst for the exploration industry, primarily for providing prospectivity maps of various ore deposit types from regional to deposit scale. His research interests are multidimensional mineral prospectivity modeling, geological remote sensing, geostatistics, and the application of data science and UAVs in mineral exploration.
