b'IndustryNewsfrom participating universities. The CRCFinancially supports internships withinMinEx CRC participants include:will also assist in the training of 200mining companies, geological surveys orIndustry participants:Vocational Education and Training (VET)METS companies during PGR research.students in specific aspects of drillingProvides networking opportunitiesAnglo Americanand mineral exploration technologies. with industry representatives, includingBarrickat the MinEx CRC annual conference. BHPMinEx CRC utilises the unique positionEpirocof CRCs at the nexus between industryA copy of the MinEx CRC PostgraduateGeological Survey of Western Australiaand university research to add value forBooklet can be found on the educationGeoscience AustraliaPGR students working on its projects.webpage www.minexcrc.com.au/education Geotec BoylesSpecifically, MinEx CRC: MinEx CRC has allocated A$150 K of itsHiSeisEnsures all PGRs have a co-supervisoreducation and training budget to theIMDEXfrom a mining company, geologicalVET sector to assist in the training of 200LKAB Wassarasurvey, CSIRO or METS company. VET students. MinEx CRC will work inMcKay DrillingOffers a voluntary mentoring schemepartnership with industry organisations toMinerals Research Institute of WA for PGR students with senior industryidentify skills gaps related to the drilling(MRIWA)staff. and mineral exploration industries. Geological Survey of New South WalesOlympusSandvikSouth 32Geological Survey of South AustraliaResearch participants:Australian National UniversityCSIROCurtin UniversityUniversity of AdelaideUniversity of NewcastleUniversity of New South WalesUniversity of South AustraliaUniversity of Western AustraliaAffiliates:DatacodeGeological Survey of QueenslandGeological Survey of VictoriaGovernment of South Australia, Department of State Development (DSD)Major DrillingMicromineMinalyzeDiscovery is the ultimate reward additional exploration and drilling, andMineral Resources Tasmania(4) commercialisation opportunitiesMinotaur ExplorationMinEx CRCs research outcomesfor METS companies that will gainNorthern Territory Geological Surveywill result in; (1) more efficient andcompetitive advantage in the globalSnowdenproductive drilling technologiesexploration market. Strategic Energy Resourceswhich will reduce the cost and time ofSouthern Geoscience Consultantsexploration drilling, which in practiceThis combination of impacts willFurther information on the MinEx CRC:will lead to more metres drilled;serve to greatly increase the volumeWebsite: www.minexcrc.com.au(2) downhole geochemistry andand efficiency of exploration under geophysics that will reduce the costAustralias deep cover, with increasedLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/of data acquisition and, delivered inmineral discoveries as the ultimatecompany/17923289real-time, will lead to better informedreward. Specific impacts from theTwitter: https://twitter.com/CrcMinextargeting and timely decision makingproposed MinEx CRC have an expected reducing the time and cost of drillingcost: benefit ratio of 2.24, not includingFurther information on the CRC programmes; (3) geological data thatthe significant upside benefit of theprogramme:will de-risk previously underexploreddiscovery of new mineral depositswww.business.gov.au/assistance/regions and encourage significantextending well past the life of MinExCRC. cooperative-research-centres-programme33 PREVIEW AUGUST 2019'