b'Seismic window Seismic windowby Reginald Fessenden, a Canadian,(https://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/in 1912, and in 1914 he applied fordisciplines/geophysics/seismic)a patent which was granted in 1917. Unfortunately the war (WWI) intervenedThe seismic reflection method today and it was not followed up. can be used to map not only simple structures as in Figure 1, but sand Independently, a team in the USA headeddistribution and fault patterns and the by physicist Clarence Karcher conductedtype of fluid fill in a reservoir. A good experiments that showed the reflectionexample of this was presented by method could be used to map theSatyabrata Mishra at the AEGC virtual subsurface geology. It took a while to catchmeeting in September 2021.on, and was likened to using a divining rodactually it was worse than that with oneSEISMIC REFLECTION Michael Micenkowriter saying it was not even consideredDEVELOPMENT TIME LINEAssociate Editor for Petroleumon a par with the divining rod for at least(Modified from agilescientific.com)mick@freogeos.com.au that device had a background of tradition.Things have come a long way since then,April 12 1919and reflection seismology has arguablyClarence Karcher recorded the first Reflection seismology is 100 yearsled to developments in sonar, radar andexploration seismograph record in old ultrasound with spin-offs resulting inWashington DC. advances in computer technology and1919 -1920The worlds first reflection seismic line isinstrumentation. Karcher continued experiments shown in Figure 1.In Australia, seismic data is the principalApril 1921As you can see from the dates, 2021 is thegeophysical method used to image theKarcher designed and built apparatus seismic reflection methods 100th birthday,subsurface in both land and marinefor recording seismic reflections and the Preview Editor suggested thatenvironments. Geoscience Australia I should mark this anniversary in myhas recognised the importance of theJune 4 1921column. The following is a compilation ofseismic technique since the late 1940sField tests at Belle Isle, Oklahoma City information from other articles, not myand is a world leader in integratingusing a dynamite source work because Im not quite old enough toseismic data with other earth imagingJune 6 1921early July 1921remember the early years! and surface geology datasets toProfiles recorded with various offsets The exact date of the birthday is a subjectunderstand mineral and petroleumand spacings of discussion (see timeline box) but the firstsystems. Geoscience Australia routinely acquires seismic data to gather newJuly 14 1921seismic section is dated August 9 1921. pre-competitive data in AustraliasTests in Arbuckle Mountains The reflection method grew out of theunexplored onshore and offshoredetermined seismic velocities seismic refraction method which wasfrontier regions as well as obtainingEarly August 1921used to map salt domes in Germanyadditional regional seismic datasets inGroup moved to Vines Branch where by Ludgar Mintrop using a mechanicalalready explored regions of Australiathe first reflection seismograph seismograph he designed in 1914. Theknown to have petroleum, geothermal,section was drawn reflection method was first conceivedgroundwater or mineral potential September 1 1921Experiments near Ponca City, Oklahoma conducted by Karcher, Haseman and Ryan September 13 1921October 1921Start of survey for Marland Oil Company. Mixed successFurther reading100 years of seismic reflectionAgile (agilescientific.com)Karcher, C., 1932. Determination of subsurface formations. Patent no. 1843725A. Patented 2 Feb 1932.Mishra, S., Squire, S. and Massey, T., 2021. Application of facies based seismic inversion in developing shallow gas fields in Cooper-Eromanga Basin. Figure 1.AEGC 2021, Brisbane, AustraliaThe worlds first reflection seismic line. Vine Creek Oklahoma August 9, 1921.41 PREVIEW OCTOBER 2021'