b'Branch newsASEG newsyear where I can utterly surrender my inhibitions and indulge in perilous acts of debauchery in celebration of another year gone by. Yes, I will be consuming obscene amounts of alcohol (disclaimer: I do not own shares in Carlton United or Lion Breweries). I cant ever recall having a bad Christmas (alcoholism has affected my long-term memory), only bad Christmas jokes. Heres one. Whats the difference between snowmen and snowwomen? Snowballs, what else?Ok, so I might have actually started my period of indulgence a little early this year. The delirium has certainly kicked in so before I fall off my chair writing this, I will provide a modest recap of recent branch events.On Tuesday October 25, Victorian Members were treated to a talk by Tom McNamara (post-graduate student, Melbourne University), with support from his co-author, Dr James Parsons (geophysicist & software engineers, QIntegral Pty Ltd), entitled Quiacito MC Neil Gibbins and punters at the ASEG SA-NT Branch Melbourne Cup Luncheon. Multiphysics: A case study in seismic and potential fields integration at the to the job. He ensured that everythingMembers to keep an eye on the seminar/ Kelvin Club. Dr Jarrod Dunne, the third ran smoothly, and the Calcutta Sweepwebinar programme at the Universityco-author of the talk and your Victoria was completed before the race began. Iof Tasmania / CODES, which routinelyBranch treasurer was unable to attend would also like to say a big thank you toincludes presentations of a geophysicalat the last minute. While Tom did not the Cumby for providing the venue andand computational nature as well as on apresent any work related to his current excellent food and service. broad range of earth sciences topics. post-graduate studies, what he and James did present was a masterclass on Lastly, we couldnt host any of ourGerrit Olivierthe methodology and power behind fantastic events without the valuedtaspresident@aseg.org.au Quiacito, a seismic-based interpretation support of our sponsors. The SA-NTand modelling software that is capable of Branch is currently sponsored byVictoria allowing an interpretation to be quickly Beach Energy, Borehole Wireline, Ozmodified, converted and tested against Minerals, Vintage Energy, MinotaurAs we near completion of another lapforward models of potential fields data Exploration, the Department foraround the sun, I am feeling unusually- all in real-time. Potential fields data is Energy and Mining, Zonge, Santos anddejected. There are only so many sleepsoften under-utilised or overlooked in the Heathgate. left until Christmas, but for some gloomyoil and gas industry. With the Quiacito reason, it doesnt feel like Christmas thisapproach, areas of a basin where there is Our final event of the year will be ouryear to me. I mean, this is the happiesta lack of velocity control or an absence of Christmas party on 15 December,time of the year for many people, but Ipetrophysical rock properties from wells, I encourage all of our state Branchfreely admit I am struggling to get intothe integration of potential fields data, in Members to attend what will surely bethe spirit of Christmas. Am I being aparticular gravity, can help provide the a fantastic way to finish off the year. Thekilljoy here? Does anyone else also feeladditional constraints to improve our SA-NT committee wish you all a safe andlike skipping Christmas this year? Forinterpretations. Well done to Tom and relaxing Christmas break, and we lookmost people, Christmas is a celebrationJames for covering Jarrods derrire on forward to seeing you at ASEG eventsand a time for giving, where familiesthe night.in2023. come together for the holiday season. The spirit of Christmas lends itself to thisBy the time you read this, the Victorian Paul Soeffky Branch would have hosted its last sa-ntpresident@aseg.org.au togetherness. Sadly, this Christmas just feels like any other day at the officeyoutechnical meeting for the year. World do a silly amount of work and some fatrenowned geophysicist Ken Witherly Tasmania guy in a suit gets all the credit(Condor Consulting, Canada) will have already delivered his talk Future Meeting notices, details about venuesWho am I kidding? I love this time of theImperfect - Where should exploration and relevant contact details can be foundyear because I can see the finish line be headed in the next 25 years? to a on the Tasmanian Branch page on themy annual journeys endthis yearsgathering of Victorian Members on 22 ASEG website. As always, we encouragelast stop. This is the one time of theNovember at The Kelvin Club.9 PREVIEW DECEMBER 2022'