b'Presenter biographiesAEGC 2023and a PhD in physics from the University of New South Wales.with a MSc in sedimentary geology in 2001. He initially worked His research interests include land acquisition, particularlyas a geoscientist with the Department of Geology ANU in vibroseis sources, land data processing, and distributedCanberra and as a project geologist with Barrick Gold in central fibre-optic sensing. NSW. He has been involved in exploration projects on the North West Shelf of Australia since 2006; first with Finder Exploration Ms Tania Dhu tania.dhu@gmail.com Tania took up the role ofand from 2008 with BP. His area of expertise lies in Manager, Geophysics and Remote Sensing with the Northernsedimentology, integrated geoscience, and petroleum system Territory Geological Survey, Department of Mines and Energy inmodelling.2013. She graduated with an Honours degree in geophysics from Adelaide University in 2002, prior to taking up a role as aMr Graeme Eastwood graeme@perseusconsulting.com.au Project and then Senior Geophysicist with the South AustralianGraeme is a Business Development Consultant for, among Geological Survey. She has been involved in a wide range ofothers, Land Seismic Noise Specialists. He has a BSc in geology projects utilising magnetic, gravity, radiometric,and geophysics from Liverpool University and an MSc in electromagnetic and hyperspectral techniques. exploration geophysics from Leeds. He has worked for WesternGeco, Fugro and ION Geophysical in the UK, Malaysia, Mr Tim Dohey tim.dohey@newmont.com Indonesia, Azerbaijan, the UAE and now resides in Perth.Dr Mark Duffett mark.duffett@stategrowth.tas.gov.au AfterDr Kathy Ehrig Kathy.ehrig@bhp.com Kathy completed her studies at the Universities of Adelaide and Tasmania, MarkPhD in Geology at the University of California-Berkeley in 1991. Duffett has worked at Charles Darwin University, the NorthernShe left San Francisco in 1992 to commence working on the Territory Geological Survey and the University of Tasmania ongenesis of the Olympic Dam deposit in Australia, and to provide projects ranging from saltwater crocodile nesting habitat tomineralogical support for the Olympic Dam processing plant. In regional potential field acquisition and interpretation in the2006, she moved Adelaide to lead the development of the African Copperbelt. Since 2009 he has been Senior GeophysicistOlympic Dam geometallurgy programme. However, she has at Mineral Resources Tasmania, the states geological survey,remained focused on using mineralogy to solve processing maintaining interests in regional geophysics, integrated 3Dissues, unravelling the complex geological history of the modelling and rock physical properties. Olympic Dam deposit, and using deposit scale geological/Mr Andrew Duncan aduncan@electromag.com.au Andrewmineralogical insights as inputs into discovering new IOCG Duncan has a BSc (Hons) from Monash University (1986). Indeposits.1989 he joined Aerodata / World Geoscience in Perth , where heDr Ehsan Farahbakhsh e.farahbakhsh@sydney.edu.au Ehsan was responsible for the technical oversight of airborneFarahbakhsh is a Research Associate in the EarthByte Group, electromagnetic survey systems. In 1994, Andrew startedSchool of Geosciences, University of Sydney. He holds a PhD Electromagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd (EMIT) anddegree in Mining Engineering - Mineral Exploration from Tehran developed, with the sponsorship and assistance of WMCPolytechnic. Along with his research activities, he has been Resources, the first generation of SMARTem receiver system forinvolved in several projects as an exploration geologist or TEM and IP methods. Andrew has interests in electromagneticspatial data analyst for the exploration industry, primarily for physics and modelling and is involved in the development ofproviding prospectivity maps of various ore deposit types from the Loupe portable EM system. He has been the recipient of theregional to deposit scale.ASEGs Grahame Sands and Laric Hawkins awards.Dr Jarrod Dunne jarrod.dunne@gmail.com Jarrod has moreMr Alex Farrar alex.farrar@utas.edu.au Alex is undertaking a than 25 years experience in seismic amplitude interpretation,PhD at CODES, University of Tasmania, where he is investigating reservoir characterisation and seismic processing, appliedthe link between fundamental structural and geodynamic throughout the world, having worked for Shell, Woodside andcontrols on the formation and localisation of giant porphyry some smaller oil companies, including his current part-time rolecopper deposits in the central Andes. Alex is using data analytics at Karoon Energy. He has remained actively involved in R&Dto integrate geologic and tectonic datasets, with the aim of throughout his career: writing numerous papers; developingharnessing data analytics techniques to understand the software; and through university collaborations. In 2018, hespatio-temporal controls on the formation of these world class founded QIntegral with the aim to be recognised as a leadingdeposits. Prior to his PhD, Alex worked with First Quantum provider of specialist geophysical services, software, and training. Minerals for 11 years in the central Andes and the central African Copperbelt, and in Mount Isa with Xstrata before that.Dr Rian Dutch riandutch@datarock.com.au Rian is the Head of the Applied Science group at Datarock and a visiting researchDr Robert Findlay rhfindlay44@gmail.comassociate at the University of Adelaide. Rian previously worked at the Geological Survey of South Australia leading theirMiss Fatemeh Firoozi Firuzi_f@yahoo.com Fatemeh Firoozi is a regional geology and drilling programmes and was involved inPhD student in Minerals Exploration at Isfahan University of the MinEx CRC National Drilling initiative. Rian has a PhD fromTechnology. She has a graduate degree in geophysics from the University of Adelaide. In April 2022, Rian joined Datarock, aShahroud University of Technology.computer vision technology company and consultancy gearedMr Desmond FitzGerald seda@intrepid-geophysics.com 30 at building productionised image and video analysis solutionsyears experience with Intrepid Geophysics. His major projects for exploration, mining, and civil companies. have included: the development of the Intrepid geological Dr Paul Duuring Paul.DUURING@dmirs.wa.gov.au processing system (software) with Geoscience Australia (GA); a complete compilation of Australian regional geophysical maps Mr Vincent Dykmans vincent.dykmans@bp.com Vince(both on shore and offshore) for magnetics, gravity, and graduated from the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands,bathymetry in partnership with Geoscience Australia (GA); and FEBRUARY 2023 PREVIEW 160'