b'ASEG Honours and AwardsFeatureThe ASEG is pleased to recognise Rosss long-standing commitment and outstanding contributions to the Society with this award of the ASEG Distinguished Service Award.Kate Brand receiving the Distinguished Service Medal from ASEG President Elect Eric Battig.ASEG Distinguished Service Award: Ross CostelloeRoss Costelloe receiving the Distinguished Service Award from ASEG President An ASEG Distinguished Service Award has been made to RossElect Eric Battig.Costelloe from Canberra. The award is in recognition of Rosss distinguished service to the ASEG through his commitment to and active involvement in ACT Branch activities over manyASEG Distinguished Service Award: Tania Dhuyears, including ten years as ACT Branch Treasurer.An ASEG Distinguished Service Award has been made to Ross Costelloe earned a BSc in applied mathematics fromTania Dhu from Darwin. The award is in recognition of Tanias Sydney University and a MSc in earth physics from ANU. He hasdistinguished service to the ASEG through her commitment been employed as an exploration geophysicist for over 30 years,to and active involvement with the ASEG over many years, and has extensive experience in geophysical data acquisition,in particular as long-serving Northern Territory ASEG processing, and interpretation. He has previously worked forrepresentative, and for her contributions to the South Australia Geophysical Service Incorporated (GSI), Halliburton GeophysicalBranch and the Federal Executive.Services, Geoterrex-Dighem, and CSIRO.Tania graduated in 2002 from Adelaide University with BSc Currently Ross is the Acting Activity Leader and Senior(Honours) in geophysics. After graduation, she worked at the Geophysicist, for the Active Seismic team at GeoscienceGeological Survey of South Australia until 2013. Tania then Australia for the Exploring for the Future programme. In his rolemoved to the Northern Territory Geological Survey based in of Senior Geophysicist in the Mineral Systems Branch at GA, heDarwin, and is currently the Geophysics and Remote Sensing specialises in deep crustal seismic geophysics. Rosss expertiseManager, responsible for precompetitive data acquisition, has benefited researchers both nationally and internationally,industry liaison, networking and mentoring.through his work in Australia, Indonesia, Turkey, India, and Botswana using seismic, gravity, airborne electromagneticsTania has contributed to enhancing geophysical data (AEM), airborne magnetics, and airborne radiometric data. standards and government funded precompetitive data, which enables investment and reduces the risk to industry. Tanias Ross has been an ASEG Member since 2005. He has encouragedcontributions to Territory wide and national geophysical data closer understanding and cooperation with other earthprovide a resource that is highly valued within government scientists and has promoted the science of geophysicsand research institutions and by the exploration industry. particularly through his work at Geoscience Australia andTania is passionate about data quality and works tirelessly, professional affiliation with the ASEG. Ross has contributed tofrequently as the sole geophysicist in the Northern Territory over 30 research papers with the main focus being deep crustalgovernment, to ensure the integrity, quality and accessibility seismic data acquisition, processing, and interpretation. of foundational geophysical datasets. Tania has been a long-Ross has been an outstanding and long serving Branchtime mentor to many, a champion to some in the industry Treasurer of the ASEG ACT Branch from mid-2013 to 2023and a link between government, contractors and industry for (ongoing). Ross has contributed to the ACT Branch anddecades.the wider ASEG science community through conferenceTania has been an ASEG Member since 2002. Tania has been presentations, Preview contributions, Branch social andthe Northern Territory ASEG representative since 2013 and is technical activities, running geophysical training workshops andstill the point of contact. She was the South Australia Branch mentoring junior geophysicists. Ross is an exemplar committeeTreasurer from 2010 to 2013. Tania served on the Federal member and has volunteered his time to ensure the ACTExecutive committee between 2012 and 2016 inclusive, making Branch is welcoming, professionally stimulating and financiallysignificant contributions to publications, events and the smooth sustainable for ASEG Members. running of the Society. Tania has and continues to support the 49 PREVIEW APRIL 2023'