b'Branch newsASEG newsAustralian Capital Territory New South Wales Tom Zhao (UNSW) Machine learning of EM and gamma ray data for the lime Geophysicists around the world wereHappy New Year ASEG Members! Byapplication on the farmland\x08shocked and saddened by the deaththe time you read this, we should be all on New Years Day of one of the mostsettled into 2021 and fingers crossed itsThe presentations were interesting and prominent members of the ACT branch;shaping up to be better than the yearinformative, enjoyed by the attendees Richard Lane\x08 Richards funeral was heldthat was 2020\x08 and followed by discussion\x08on January 12 and many ASEG MembersIn November, we concluded theFor a short while, it looked like things attended in person or virtually, as the funeral2020 NSW webinar series with thewere getting back to normal, we was live streamed\x08 Marina Costelloe, ACTannual student evening\x08 We had twoeven managed to host a physical Branch President and a long-term friendpost-graduate students present their(but socially-distant) eventthe and colleague of Richards gave a movingresearch: annual trivia night\x08 Despite the usual address, and David McInnesread a tributebusy nature of December, many of from Bob Smith, also a long-term friend andKelly Vaughn-Taylor (Macquarie Uni)our regular trivia attendees made colleague\x08 David embroidered Bobs tributeMelting conditions beneath the Neweran appearance, in addition to a few with his own very fond memories of Richard\x08 Volcanics Province from probabilisticnew faces\x08 Questions ranged from Mike Barlowinversions of lava compositions andinitial name of the COVID-19 virus actsecretary@aseg.org.au geophysical data to identifying Evans Crown Granite from a photograph\x08 There were many laughs, a little light-hearted disagreement and some friendly competition; but, in the end there could only be one winner - the blue team\x08 A big thank you to the trivia team, Mike Smith and Josh Valencic, for helping organise and host the event\x08 Fortunately, the trivia night was held right before the clusters emerged and saw some parts of Sydney go into lock-down\x08 Whether the 2021 presentations are online or in-person, we look forward to seeing more of you\x08 Stay safe everyone!Mark Lackie nswpresident@aseg.org.auStephanie Kovach The WA branchs 50th anniversary celebrations. nswsecretary@aseg.org.auASEG national calendarDate Branch Event Presenter Time VenueASEG Branch face-to-face meetings have resumed in SA, WA and Tasmania\x08 All other State Branch meetings are on hold till further notice\x08 Most branches are still hosting webinars\x08 Registration is open to Members and non-members alike, and corporate partners and sponsors of state branches are acknowledged before each session\x08 Recorded webinars are uploaded to the ASEGs website (https://www\x08aseg\x08org\x08au/aseg-videos), as well as to the ASEGs YouTube channel (https://bit\x08ly/2ZNgIaZ)\x08 Please monitor the Events page on the ASEG website for information about upcoming webinars and other on-line events09 Feb QLD Technical night Tim Pippett 17:30 XXXX Brewery (Alehouse), Black St, Milton, Brisbane10 Feb WA Technical night TBA 17:30 TBA16 Feb National Webinar Kate Selway 13:00 https://us02web\x08zoom\x08us/webinar/register/WN_OPdMzdnaQbapkiVh7a4ViQMar QLD AGM TBA 17:30 XXXX Brewery (Alehouse), Black St, Milton, Brisbane11 PREVIEW FEBRUARY 2021'