b'Geophysics in the surveysNewsGeological Survey of New South Wales: All geophysical data now available onlineSince late 2018 the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) has undertaken a major project to catalogue, quality-assure and release company geophysical survey data across the state\x08 A key deliverable, the online search and discovery and direct download of airborne geophysical surveys via MinView, was announced in Preview last year (April 2020 edition)\x08 The quality assured surveys were then used as building-blocks for an updated and improved state-wide magnetic merge of New South Wales, which was announced in Previews August 2020 edition\x08 The new merge was well received by industry geophysicists and the release was well-timed for explorers currently participating in the upsurge in mineralFigure 1.MinView scene showing survey boundaries of ground geophysical surveys and line locations for exploration in New South Wales\x08 seismic surveys.Following the release of the magnetics merge, GSNSW geophysicists continuedsearching for non-existent data\x08 Nowthe NSW Government legislated the cataloguing and quality assurance ofall surveys with meaningful data cansunset clause on data confidentiality, all available company geophysical surveybe searched and discovered throughintroduced in an Amendment of Mining data\x08 The project was completed inMinView using a coherent set of layers forRegulation 2016\x08 These new data December 2020\x08 All ground geophysics,ground geophysics and seismic surveys\x08 will further improve the quality and seismic and remote-sensed data canresolution of this world-class product\x08 be now be searched and discoveredIn addition to the updated groundAlso, GSNSW will be flying a magnetic through the GSNSW online data deliverygeophysics layers, significant updatesand radiometric survey in the Cobar portal, MinView\x08 Around 450 groundto MinView functionality have beenregion in the first half of 2021\x08 This geophysics surveys and over 220 seismicimplemented to allow direct downloadsurvey will improve the data quality in surveys were catalogued during thisof state-wide geophysics merges\x08 Theareas currently covered by older surveys project, significantly expanding thestate-wide merges are available both asand will directly feed into the updated previous databases\x08 Ground survey typesgeolocated images and raster grids, andmagnetics merge and a new state-wide are mainly gravity and magnetics, usedcan be clipped on the fly to an area ofradiometrics merge planned for late for geological mapping, and induced- interest\x08 2021\x08polarisation and electromagnetics, used to define drilling targets\x08 TheThe next major geophysics productThe new data layers can be viewed in quality assurance process also identifiedrelease for New South Wales will be anthe MinView portal: https://minview\x08hundreds of spurious surveys forupdate to the state-wide magneticsgeoscience\x08nsw\x08gov\x08au/which there was no useful data\x08 Thesemerge, scheduled for 1 June 2021, zombie surveys created confusion andwhich will include over 100 additionalNed Stolz disappointment and wasted the timecompany surveys\x08 These surveysGeological Survey of New South Wales of GSNSW and industry geophysicistsbecome open file on this date underned.stolz@planning.nsw.gov.auFEBRUARY 2021 PREVIEW 20'