b'Branch newsASEG newsfor a few days, and I was impressed by the wide range of topics, from geoscience and discovery, to critical mineral, to environmental sustainability, and moreOn 24 May, the ACT Branch hosted a talk by Sebastian Wong, titled Continental-scale multilayered chronostratigraphic interpretation of airborne electromagnetics. Seb showed an innovative workflow developed to interpret AEM data to characterise cover and the depth to basement, and some amazing results. The talk generated a number of questions and discussions.The Australian Governments Exploring Brian Evans engaging with the audience during his presentation. for the Future programme, led by Geoscience Australia, will be holding During his talk Brian discussed theThank you to Delft Inversion foran online public showcase between 15 current demand for hydrogen andsupporting the ASEG WA Branch as itand 17 August 2023 ( 2023 Showcase helium. The drilling of a naturalcontinues to serve our members and| Exploring for the Future | Geoscience hydrogen trap in Mali in 2010, and itscommunity. More sponsors would be veryAustralia). The showcase programme commercial production in 2017, sawwelcome so if you or your company wouldis packed with presentations from many in the exploration and mininglike to sponsor us, please get in touch bykeynote speakersincluding an industry sit up and take notice. Seriouscontacting wapresident@aseg.org.au expert panel discussionnew data exploration for both gases has been rare.releases, geological insights, technical However, the presence of both H 2andEmad Hemyariworkshops, open Q&A sessions where He in Amadeus Basin wells, the currentWA Branch Communications Officerstakeholders can directly engage with drilling for H 2on Kangaroo Island, andemad.hemyari@gmail.com our scientists and more.activities by DMIRS in northern WA have brought it further under the spotlight.Australian Capital Territory Lastly, I would like to thank the Like any hydrocarbon resource, H 2 immediate past ACT Branch President needs a kitchen, a migration pathway,I attended the World Mining CongressPhillip Wynne for his ongoing support.a reservoir, and a seal. The greatest2023 in Brisbane in July. It was nice toWenping Jiang problem H 2has is that it needs a totallyget away from the cold in Canberraactpresident@aseg.org.auimpervious seal, and conventional seals are simply inadequate (the Mali seal is a dolerite dyke!).Brian showed a model for locating H 2in the Officer Basin, which has undergone thrusting and rotation. He used open-file seismic, gravity and magnetic data to show that the Officer has beautiful structures. Its basement can produce hydrogen, which travels up natural fractures with groundwater, passing into the Townsend quartzite only to be trapped by salt uplift beneath diapirs. Salt is the best trap there is, but there another problem - the Officer Basin is a long, long way from anywhere, and the H 2will be deep, deep down. It is an exploration challenge!The ASEG WA Branch is pleased to welcome DELFT INVERSION as a new sponsor for 2023.Wenping Jiang and Marcus Haynes at the Geoscience Australia booth at the World Mining Congress.AUGUST 2023 PREVIEW 12'