b'AEM 2023WelcomeWelcome to AEM 2023On behalf of the AEM 2023 Organising Committee it is aId also like to acknowledge and sincerely thank our sponsors, pleasure to welcome you to the 8th International Airbornewithout whom we wouldnt have had the opportunity to Electromagnetics Workshop. The event, being held betweenrun this event. Our confirmed sponsors include Xcalibur Sunday the 3rd and Thursday the 7th of September 2023, willMultiphysics, Geotech Ltd., Skytem Australia, Geoscience be at the Fitzroy Island Resort in tropical north Queensland,Australia, NRG Australia, and CGG Electromagnetics.Australia. The workshop, now held every five years, has established itself as the foremost international event concerningHosts for the event are the Australian Society of Exploration airborne electromagnetic technologies and their application. Geophysics (ASEG) and CSIRO, and on behalf of the Organising Committee Id like to express our appreciation I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge theof their support for this event, helping bring together Guggandji people as the Traditional Owners of the land onresearchers, practitioners, and industry professionals which we will be meeting and pay my respect to their Eldersto foster collaboration across disciplines and help drive past and present. innovation in this field.We have a full programme with over 60 presentations plannedLastly, a special thanks to the authors for their valuable by participants from ten countries. The subjects vary fromcontributions. The research and insights shared during the acquisition, system development and improvements, semi- workshop will undoubtedly serve as a valuable resource airborne systems, case studies for groundwater, volcanologyfor many years to come, aiding future advancements and and minerals applications, open-source data and software anddiscoveries in airborne electromagnetic technologies.AI to name just a few. Its great to see work from such widely varying perspectives and backgrounds being shared at thisOnce again, a warm welcome, and I hope that the workshop workshop, which is part of a series held only every five years. proves to be an enjoyable and memorable experience for all participants.Our invited speakers come from across the globe and will cover a variety of topics. They include Andrew Green, MagdelAndrew Fitzpatrick Combrinck, Lindsey Heagy, Katherine McKenna, BradleyChair AEM 2023 Organising Committee Moggridge, Andi Pfaffhuber and Bernhard Siemon. Andrew.Fitzpatrick@igo.com.auAEM 2023: SponsorsKimberlite sponsor Award and lanyard sponsorNickel sponsorSocial event - BBQ sponsorGold sponsorCo-hosted by:Graphite sponsorAUGUST 2023 PREVIEW 44'