b'Branch newsASEG newsNew South WalesIn May, Dr Stuart Clark, Associate Professor at The University of New South Wales (UNSW), presented a talk entitled Engaging Students in Geophysics with interactive notebooks and team-based learning.Dr Clark highlighted the potential of modern educational tools to augment classroom teaching, particularly in geophysics. He uses interactive notebooks, enabling students to explore geophysical principles interactively by adjusting various parameters. Dr Clark shared examples from his teaching practices, demonstrating the effectiveness of these digital tools in helping students gain practical skills in geophysics. He further discussed his pedagogical framework, emphasising the importanceDr Clark discussing interactive team-based learning.of team-based learning for enhancing student engagement and comprehension. This talk provided a fresh perspective on deploying advanced online tools in the classroom and offered insights into innovative teaching strategies for complex subjects like geophysics.The session was not just a lecture, but an interactive exchange that delved deep into the potential of modern educational tools like Colab notebooks and various interactive platforms, such as InteDashboard. Dr Clark brought a fresh perspective, proving how these digital resources can simplify complex geophysical principles and boost student engagement. Stuarts session was enlightening, helping us understand the potential of these digital tools for enhanced teaching and learning outcomes in geophysics.In June, Dr Bhavik Lodhia a Research Scientist at CSIRO, presented a talkAudience participating in the interactive exercise through InteDashboard platform.entitled The El Dorado of UK shale gas. Dr Lodhia gave a detailed account of the rise and fall of the onshore UK shale gas industry. In 2013, reports by the British Geological Survey and Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) estimated that the UK held over 2000 TCF of onshore shale gas reserves, sparking optimism for the UK to transition from a net energy importer to an exporter. However, these expectations soon faltered due to a series of missteps.Dr Lodhia presented his recently published shale gas resource estimation for Northwest England. He compared it with the original estimates from a decade ago, highlighting the overestimations of reserves and underestimations ofDr Lodhia comparing the difference between the US and the UK shales.13 PREVIEW AUGUST 2023'