b'ASEG newsBranch newsASEG branch newsNew South Wales expansion, and the field of remanentgenerally held on the third Wednesday magnetisation in magnetic fieldof each month from 17:30 at Club York. In March, the ASEG NSW Branch hostedinterpretation. Clive delved into howNews, meeting notices, addresses and its AGM and first technical meetingneglecting remanent magnetisation, akinrelevant contact details can be found at of2024. to overlooking dark matter and energy,the NSW Branch website.Dr Stuart Clark was elected President;leads to incomplete interpretations inHarikrishnan NalinakumarHarikrishnan Nalinakumar andgeophysical research. Stephanie Kovach were re-elected asThe talk explored the use of voxelE nswsecretary@aseg.org.au Secretary and Treasurer; and Dr Ehsanmodels, constrained inversions, and Farahbakhsh and Elena Babina werethe significance of borehole data inQueenslandelected General Committee Members. understanding magnetisation patterns.Those of us involved in the organisation After the AGM, the technical talkDrawing a direct analogy, he emphasisedof ASEG branch events often ponder was given by Dr Clive Foss, a Seniorthat understanding this darkthethought what do our Members PrincipalResearch Scientist in themagnetisation was key to understandingwant?. Here in Queensland, we have potential fields team at CSIRO. Themagnetic phenomena both on the Earthtried free food, free drinks, even tours talk was titled The dark universe andand in the cosmos, in the same wayof a brewery, and still our attendance the roleof remanent magnetisationthat understanding dark matter andnumbers stubbornly refuse to increase. in magnetic field interpretation. Clivedark energy is key to understandingTurns out what our Members wanted presented a fascinating explorationtheuniverse. wasa GPR legend, in this case Jan into the parallels between the darkIn May, Addison Tu, a PhD candidate atFrancke. The global expert held a large universe, comprising dark matter andthe University of Sydney, presented acrowd enthralled for his talk GPR: from dark energy - elements that challengetalk entitled Advanced geomodelling tomineral exploration to the Pyramids. our understanding of the universesreveal buried deposits.Certainly a presenter not to be missed at this years DISCOVER Conference Addison focused on eastern Australia,inHobart!particularly concerning the eastward accretion of microcontinents andContinuing what was a bumper month volcanic arc-islands since the Cambrian.of activities in Brisbane, this talk was His talk showed how the evolution andfollowed, just two weeks later, by the exposure of copper porphyry depositsASEG AGM, held at one of our previously can be mapped by landscape evolutionfavourite venues, the XXXX brewery in models. In Papua New Guinea, which hasMilton (it has taken years for them to a particularly challenging recent tectonicforgive the behaviour of Members at evolution of many terranes docking andprevious events). The evening began a very high degree of erosion (10 km),with outgoing ASEG President Eric EE understanding prospectivity requiresBattig updating the suitably lubricated mapping both the formation andmembership on the current state of erosional history of these regions. the ASEG (unfortunately membership numbers continue to slowly decline). Newly elected members of the NSW BranchAn invitation to attend NSW BranchThe presidential baton was then Committee after the 2024 AGM. From left:meetings is extended to all interstatepassed to the new President and fellow Stuart Clark, Harikrishnan Nalinakumar, Ehsanand international visitors who happenQueenslander Janelle Kerr, with the Farahbakhsh, Elena Babina and Stephanie Kovach.to be in town at the time. Meetings areMachiavellian Nick Josephs lurking As Steph was absent on the day she has been photoshopped into the group photo.Clive explains the data he is using to NSWAddison explaining the background to his research project to NSW Branch Members.BranchMembers.JUNE 2024PREVIEW 9'