b'CommentaryEnvironmental geophysics MH:You have an obvious interest Environmental geophysics in instruments (see Figure 1) and Iwould guess that you have always liked gadgets. What were some of the first tools and toys that you played Mike Hatchwith that might explain your interest Associate Editor for Environmentalgeophysics ininstruments? Emichael.hatch@adelaide.edu.au EH:It probably started in the tool shed growing up on a small farm where I was Hydrogeophysics gets a shot inexcited by the research and collaborationalways creating and building something. As Ive gotten further and further into the arm opportunities with industry. water research, I have really enjoyed Welcome readers to this issues column onEddie has a fantastic track record writingtrialling and experimenting with new geophysics applied to the environment.research grants and grants for cutting- technologies and techniques that can be For this issue I spent some timeedge lab and field-based equipment. Theused to understand physical processes. interviewing a relatively young researcher,photo montage (Figure 1) shows justThis has been very rewarding but at who has recently been awarded a four-yearsome of the instruments that Dr Bankstimes a little stressful when the tech just Australian Research Council (ARC) Mid- has at his disposal. He also has access to,doesnt want to cooperate or wants a Career Industry Fellowship focusing onand expertise in, a comprehensive suite offirmware update and reboot (and there is hydrogeophysics. Dr Eddie Banks, basedhydrogeophysical equipment at Flinders.no internet)! at Flinders University, is a hydrogeologistWhile I have worked with Eddie on severalDear reader - in Figure 1 you will note that by trade, specialising in water resourceprojects over the years, there are a fewEddie often brings more than one tool to investigations, including, aquifer systemquestions that I have always wanted tomeasure hydrological properties of the river characterisation, coastal hydrogeologicalask him (especially about his early careeror some parcel of land, he brings as many systems, surface water-groundwaterwhen he still had long hair!). So, takingdifferent types of tools and gadgets that he interaction, groundwater recharge ina leaf out of Marina Pervukhinas bookcan carry. His fieldwork philosophy is that semi-arid environments, and more. But, the(Education matters), I thought that I would!it is essential to use and compare multiple really interesting bit is that the stated goaltechnologies to ensure that the conceptual of this industry fellowship is (to) driveMH:Your early education wasnt really inmodel that is developed is based on sound advancements in hydrogeophysics- whichschools that were particularly STEM- science. Using one tool only tells part of quantifies and bolsters understandingoriented. When did you realise that youthe story and there is always another of shallow subsurface processes andwanted to be a scientist and specificallyperspective. properties (https://rms.arc.gov.au/RMS/ a hydrogeologist?MH:Early in your career you took Report/Download/Report/a3f6be6e-33f7- a year off between university and 4fb5-98a6-7526aaa184cf/261). That is,EB:I grew up on a farm in the outerpost-graduate study to work for an its all about the geophysics. Dr Banks, whoAdelaide Hills, pretty close to the Mountoverseas aid organisation. Why did you for the last 12 years has been working asLofty Ranges rain shadow, which madedo this and how did this affect your a self-funded, university-based researcherme really appreciate water as therecareerpath? is super-excited to receive this prestigiouswas no reliable mains water supply and ARC fellowship, which will providewe relied heavily on rainwater. DuringEB:I had just finished my honours, support for him to continue his passionmy school years, my part-time jobrecently became single, was idealistic in hydrogeophysics to address real worldwas as a landscaper and the creator ofand maybe not quite ready to progress to water management challenges. He is alsowaterfeatures.the next stage in my careerand I was Free subscription toPreview JUNE 2024ISSUE 230 onlineABN 71 000 876 040ISSN 1443-2471Non-members of the ASEG can now subscribe to Preview online via the ASEG website. Subscription is free. Just go to https://www.aseg.org.au/publications/PVCurrent to sign up. You will receive an email alert as soon a new issue of Preview becomes available. Stayinformed and keep up-to-date by subscribing now!!NB: ASEG Members dont need to subscribe as they automatically receive an email alert whenever a new issue of Preview is published.NEWS AND COMMENTARYClaus Otto on balancing the demand finterdisciplinary education with the eneror brgy secoader torsneed for specialised skillsHydrogeopht alwysics gets a shot in the armBigger isn ays Better and the Reverse SombreroFEATURESA beginners guide to seismic sensors radientsEstima th-order vonertalgtical gradientsfrom Nting Nth-order horizJUNE 2024PREVIEW 31'