b'CommentaryWebwavesAs the Webmaster, I am fully committed Webwavesto monitoring our carbon footprint and ensuring that sustainability remains a top priority for ASEG in all its digital endeavours. Together, we can pave the Gokul Venu Sreebindu way for a brighter, greener, and a more ASEG Webmastersustainable future for generations tocome.E webmaster@aseg.org.auReferencesGreening the Society:are scaling back geophysics programmesAl Kez, D., A.M. Foley, D. Laverty, D.FurszyferDelRio, Sailingtowards a sustainable(Selway 2021), and governments areand B. Sovacool. 2022. Exploring the sustainability digital footprint reducing funding allocations (Boone et al.challenges facing digitalization and internet2021). ASEGs commitment to minimisingdata centers. Journal of Cleaner Production 371Hailing from the mesmerising landscapesnet carbon emissions in its online(2022): 133633. https://doi.org/10.1016/ of Kerala, also known as Gods Ownoperations can play a pivotal role inj.jclepro.2022.133633.Country, I am thrilled to introduce myselfreshaping the perception of geophysicsBoone, S., M. Quigley, P. Betts, M. Miller, and T. as the newly appointed Webmaster ofin a modern, socially responsible light. Rawling. 2021. Australias Unfolding Geoscience the Australian Society of ExplorationMalady. EOS, September 27, 2021. Accessed Geophysicists (ASEG). My journey to thisBy prioritising sustainability, the ASEGMay9, 2024. https://eos.org/opinions/role was inspired by my participationaddresses the concerns of the youngeraustralias-unfolding-geoscience-malady.in the Camp for Applied Geophysicsgeneration and demonstrates itsGoogle. 2023. Net Zero Carbon December23, Excellence (CAGE) pilot programme,dedication to mitigating climate change,2023. Accessed May 9, 2024.which opened doors to various careerindirectly contributing to the climatehttps://sustainability.google/operating-opportunities and imparted in meaction advocated by Goal 13 of thesustainably/net-zero-carbon/.a deep desire to contribute to theUnited Nations Sustainable DevelopmentRogers, S.L., S. Giles, N. Dowey, S. E. Greene, R. remarkable Australian community ofGoals (SDGs) (United Nations 2016).Bhatia, K. Van Landeghem, and C. King. 2024. geophysics experts. With a background inThe transition to Google WorkspaceYouJust Look at Rocks, and Have Beards: geophysics and extensive experience infor our email and storage needs hasPerceptions of Geology From the United data analysis and digital strategies, Iamalready yielded significant reductionsKingdom: A Qualitative Analysis From an Online fully committed to enhancing ASEGsin our carbon footprint. Previously,Survey. Earth Science, Systems and Society 4 (2024).onlinepresence. our carbon emissions ranged from aSelway, K. 2021 Australia badly needs earth staggering 1540g to 3465 g. However,science skills, but universities are cutting the Having previously served as a membersince migrating to Google Workspacesupply. The Conversation, July 26, 2021. Accessed of Ian James Web Committee, Iactivelyin February, ASEG has benefited fromMay 9, 2024. https://theconversation.com/contributed to projects such as migratingGoogles commitment to achievingaustralia-badly-needs-earth-science-skills-but-email services to Google Workspace andnet-zero emissions and operating onuniversities-are-cutting-the-supply-163248.the ongoing revamp of our website.24/7 carbon-free energy (Google 2023),United Nations. 2016. The Sustainable Collaborating with fellow committeeresulting in a substantial decrease in ourDevelopment Goals Report 2016. New York: members and stakeholders, I amcarbon footprint to a total of 246.50g. United Nations, 2016.enthusiastic about maintaining our websites security, informativeness, and user-friendliness while embracing open-source technologies for the betterment of our Society. I am open to any suggestions or feedback aimed at improving our online communitysexperience.In my first Webwaves article in Preview, Iaim to delve into the topic of reducing the carbon footprint associated with our online presence. The current negative perceptions among the younger generation regarding geophysics, mainly its association with the oil and gas and mining sector and environmental concerns, have led to an increased reluctance to pursue studies in geoscience (Al Kez et al. 2022, Rogers etal. 2024). Consequently, universitiesFigure 1. Total carbon footprint by application JUNE 2024PREVIEW 37'