b'ASEG CODE OF ETHICS Clause 4 of the Articles of Association of the ASEG states that7.A membership shall refrain from using unfair means to win Membership of any class shall be contingent upon conformance with theprofessional advancement, and avoid injuring unfairly or maliciously, established principles of professional ethics:directly or indirectly, another geophysicists professional reputation, business or chances of employment. 1.A member shall conduct all professional work in a spirit of fidelity8. A member shall give appropriate credit to any associate, subordinate towards clients and employees, fairness to employees, colleagues andor other person, who has contributed to work for which the member is contractors, and devotion to high ideals of personal integrity andresponsible or whose work is subject to review. professional responsibility.9.In any public written or verbal comment, a member shall be careful to2.A member shall treat as confidential all knowledge of the businessindicate whether the statements or assertions made therein represent affairs, geophysical or geological information, or technical processes offacts, an opinion or a belief. In all such comments a member shall act employers when their interests require secrecy and not disclose suchonly with propriety in criticising the ability, opinion or integrity of confidential information without the consent of the client or employer.another geophysicists, person or organisation. 3.A member shall inform a client or employer of any business10. A member will endeavour to work continuously towards the connections, conflicts or interest, or affiliations, which might influenceimprovement of his/her skills in geophysics and related disciplines, and the members judgement or impair the disinterested quality of theshare such knowledge with fellow geophysicists within the limitation of members services.confidentiality. 4.A member shall accept financial or other compensation for a particular11. A member will cooperate in building the geophysical profession by the service from one source only, except with the full knowledge andexchange of knowledge, information and experience with fellow consent of all interested parties.geophysicists and with students, and also by contributions to the goals 5.A members shall refrain from associating with, or knowingly allow theof professional and learned societies, schools of applied science, and use of his/her name, by an enterprise of questionable character.the technical press. 6.A member shall advertise only in a manner consistent with the dignity12. A member shall be interested in the welfare and safety of the general of the profession, refrain from using any improper or questionablepublic, which may be affected by the work for which the member is methods of soliciting professional work, and decline to acceptresponsible, or which my result from decisions or recommendations compensation for work secured by such improper or questionablemade by the member, and be ready to apply specialist knowledge, skill methods.and training in the public behalf for the use and benefit of mankind. 56 PREVIEWJUNE 2024'